Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dicintai @ mencintai


I love him because…he always told me..dia ramai girlfriends..he like to be friend with other..but he love just me..

I love him bcoz..each time die bermsg dengan other girl..he will let me know that girl text him.he showed me what did he talk about with that girl...even im rarely told him that I texting other guys.

I love him because..setiapkali die menginginkan saya kelihatan menarik dimata nya..die tidak menggambarkan saya seperti Angelina jolie..lisa surihani..kate wislet or sesiapa saja..dia hanya menginginkan saya menjadi diri saya sendiri..

I love him becoz..he always tell me that im worse..but at the end of conversation..he tell me that he just kidding..saje nak main2 kan saya..saja nk buat saya merajuk....

I love him becoz..when I cant answer his kami selalu berteka teki..die you are so slow..stupid or whatsoever....then bila saya merajuk becoz of that word..he said that he stupid too…

I love him bcoz…dia xpernah tunjuk kat public that dia care bout me or he love me…but when public aren’t see..dia totally changed till I cant stand to hear he repeat that –im love u..i love u..i love u..

I love him bcoz..when dia cakap saya cantik…dia xakan cakap saya yang tercantik..dia always told me..benar..ramai lagi perempuan cantik didalam dunia ini compare dengan saya..but im perfect enough for him..even I jelous bila dia ckp perempuan lain ramai lagi yang cantik..but at last.i least..dia xbohong…dia tak I accept it..

I love him becoz…dia sentiasa jujur walaupun perkara yang pahit..perkara yang boleh buat saya mengamuk..thats why..bila dia memuji each thing yang saya buat..saya merasakan seperti mendapat award kat Oscar…coz I knew he mean it..but bile dia mengkritik saya…like baju yang saya pakai tu seksi n xsesuai dengan saya..saya merasakan seperti batu yang terhempas kat badan..coz I knew he mean it too…

I love him becoz..he always be true when he with hipokrit story to tell..kdang2 die suka marah..dia manja..sometimes die disgusting..sometimes dia sgt polite…I knew that..its him..even kadang2..saya sendiri xsanggup nak tunjukkn kelemahan saya kat dia..i always shows the good things je..but he never do that..even perkara yang sgt menjelekkan pon..die let me know..dia tulus..

I love him because…he said that..he is not going to promise me anything..but he will do it..he dont promise me that I always in his priority..but he will always remember…he ever love me I accept it…dia tak memberi saya pengharapan yang tinggi…tapi dia memberi saya cinta yang saya rasainya sekarang.

i do addict him..i do love him:)

p/s: sesuai sgt utk sorg perempuan kepada seorg lelaki malah begitu juga sebaliknya....and credits to (writer) because of her honesty feeling towards her BOY :)


  1. suker seh bc post nih :) hihihihi

  2. owhhh..wahh..xsangka u like this post..thanks .i can feel ur appreciation toward this..
    hope u can be a better man soon..better than now perhaps..
    salam ramadhan

  3. thanks friend.....bukn apew, dlu pernah addicted mcm ni sekali tp setelah dkhianati, dlu juga xkenal erti ikhlas dlm hbgn....tetapi setelah mbc tulisan ini, alhamdullilah....kepercayaan kian kembali, kenangan kian dilupai :)
